Wirral Council planning officers have recommended the granting of permission for the construction of eight two-bedroomed apartments on a site on Brimstage Road currently occupied by a detached home.
During the plan’s consultation period, 77 objections were made to the Council.
These included: over development of the site; the apartments to be built are ‘overbearing and out of scale and character compared with existing properties’; the development will ‘have a negative impact on house prices on Brimstage Road which has always been considered one of the most sought after locations in Heswall’; and ‘this part of Heswall has had enough building work and disruption over recent years and does not need another building project’.
The Heswall Society objected on the grounds that the development differs from its surroundings, lacked any landscaping proposals, will lead to the loss of a number of trees, and the proposed car parking will occupy a significant proportion of the front of the site.
The Council also received an objecting petition of 36 signatures endorsing the view that the development is ‘unprecedented, unwanted, unsuitable and ill-sited’.
Planning officers took a different view, saying it ‘is considered to be of a scale that relates well to surrounding property and would not result in detrimental change to the character of the area’.
The permission given requires developer Blue Oak Estates to meet several requirements, including submission of ‘a scheme of hard and soft landscaping’, along with materials to be used to construct the visible aspects of the building in order that they can be approved.
The scheme, together with recommendation of its approval, will go before the Council’s Planning Committee on Thursday August 16.