[dropcap type=”circle”]W[/dropcap]irral Foodbank has launched its Christmas appeal on behalf of teenagers.
While food donations for all remain of paramount importance, the charity is keen to meet the need for toiletries for youngsters whose families may struggle to afford them this year.
The appeal hopes to build on the success of a similar scheme of last year.
Soap, toothpaste, deodorant, shower gel, shampoo – the sort of items most of us take for granted – are requested, along with foodstuffs that are urgently needed.
These include: instant mashed potatoes; tinned tomatoes; tinned fruit; tinned potatoes; biscuits; sponge puddings; and fruit squash – though other non-perishables will be warmly welcomed.
Wirral Foodbank opened in 2011 and last year gave more than 12,000 three-day emergency food supplies to local people in difficulty. 8,016 adults and 4,221 children were fed and supported.
A typical three-day food parcel aims to be nutritionally balanced and contains: breakfast cereals; soup; pasta; rice; pasta sauce; tinned beans; tinned meat; tinned vegetables; tinned fruit; tea or coffee; sugar; biscuits; and snacks.
For Christmas, Wirral Foodbank is also asking if people might also be able to donate seasonal specials like selection boxes.
If you are happy to drop off donations a list of collection points can be found by clicking or tapping here. The charity asks that all Christmas items are donated on or before November 30 so they can be delivered to Foodbank centres in time for the festive season.

Wirral Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network. On November 15 a new benefit system – Universal Credit – will be introduced to Wirral. The Trust has reported that in other areas where the system is already in place there has been a 17% increase in the use of foodbanks.
If you’d like to know more about Wirral Foodbank please click or tap here.
If you would like to explore how those in need can get support please click or tap here.