[dropcap type=”circle”]T[/dropcap]his month witnesses the return to the stage of award winning local theatre group Neston Players with their production of ‘Bette and Joan’ by Anton Burg.
‘Bette and Joan’ depicts the tempestuous relationship of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford from their adjacent dressing rooms between takes on the set of the movie ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?’
Crawford was already a big star when Davis was making her first appearance in movies. Davis had been jealous of Crawford’s affair with Clark Gable, on whom she had a crush, but it was Franchot Tone over whom the two fell out. Tone, who was dating Crawford, was Davis’s leading man in ‘Dangerous’. Davis fell in love with him, but he married Crawford. Eventually Bette became a huge star, overtaking Crawford.
By the 1940s both stars were employed by Warner Bros where they had adjoining dressing rooms. The rivalry and bitchiness was soon obvious and would become legendary. In 1962 with their best years behind them, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford agreed to star in ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?’ It was during the filming of this movie that their feud reached its highest intensity.

Neston Players are delighted to welcome newcomer Jean Lawrence who plays Davis. She says, “I adore this marvellous play and the part of Bette is absolutely delicious. Playing someone so distinctive and well known is a real challenge, but one which I am relishing.”
The society is also excited to see the return on Tia Gill who is well known to Neston Players’ audiences. Tia is enjoying the challenge of playing Crawford and explains why: “Joan was, as I am finding out, quite a complicated character with many sides to her, and for me trying to create that is both exciting and a bit daunting.”
Come and see Neston Players’ portrayal of one of the greatest feuds in Hollywood history.The production will be performed at Neston Civic Hall from Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th May. Doors open 7.00pm and performances begin at 7.30pm.
Tickets are priced at £9.00 for evening performances. Concessions (£8.00) are available for Wednesday and Thursday evenings only.
Tickets are available from: The Brown Horse, Neston; My Gift Place, Neston; Neston Natural Health & Beauty Clinic, Moskitos Coffee House Parkgate;
Alternatively you can book via www.ticketswirral.com or via phone on 01516660000 (booking fee applies).